Mentor Research Institute

Healthy Contracts Legislation; Measurement & Value-Based Payment Contracting: Online Screening & Outcome Measurement Software

503 227-2027

Healthy Contracts - Discussion Papers

Below is a library of discussion papers intended for training and education of Providers, Healthplan managers, legislators, attorneys and regulators. The library is organized by topic.

Transforming Fee-for-Service to Value-Based Payment Contracts

Measurement and Value-based Payment Contracting

Contract Negotiation Issues

“Take-It-Or-Leave-It” Unenforceable and Voidable Contracts

Risk of Contract Success and Failure

Good Faith and Fair Dealing

Gaming, Fraud and Antitrust

Independent Certified Internal Auditor

Value, Objectives, Controls, Tests of Design and Effectiveness, Key Indicators of Success

Ethics Point Portal

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

Healthy Contracts

Legislative Opportunities

Healthplan Waste


Practice Models and Considerations

Venture Capital Competition with Independent Private Practice

Antitrust and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - Background

Healthplan Discussion Papers

DISCLAIMER and PURPOSE: These discussion documents are intended for training, education, and research purposes only. The information contained herein is based on the data and perspectives available at the time of writing. It is subject to revision as new information and viewpoints emerge.

For more information see:

Key words: Supervisor education, Ethics, COVID Office Air Treatment, Mental Health, Psychotherapy, Counseling, Patient Reported Outcome Measures,