Mentor Research Institute

Healthy Contracts Legislation; Measurement & Value-Based Payment Contracting: Online Screening & Outcome Measurement Software

503 227-2027

The Great Storm and Flood Recovery Children's Story and Activity Book

Flood and Hurricane Recovery Resources created by:

Story and Direction by: Michael G. Conner, Psy.D.
Illustrations by: Mark Miller, MD.
Parent Guide Text: Michael G. Conner, Psy.D & Joan Dayger Behn Ph.D.
Support and Volunteer Coordination First Edition: Carol Foley, MA
Second Edition: Michaele P. Dunlap, Psy.D & Larry Jones

Download a copy of "The Great Storm and Flood Recovery Children's Story & Activity Book"


Cover of the Great Storm and Flood Recovery Coloring Book

Cover of the Great Storm and Flood Recovery Coloring Book

The printable booklets linked above offer families and schools a resource for children distressed by floods.  They have been made available to communities affected by floods and hurricanes since 1996.  We invite you to print and distribute them whenever and wherever needed.

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Key words: Supervisor education, Ethics, COVID Office Air Treatment, Mental Health, Psychotherapy, Counseling, Patient Reported Outcome Measures,