Mentor Research Institute

Healthy Contracts Legislation; Audit-Proof Ethical Charting; Qualified Supervision Training; Measurement-Based Care Research; Value-Based Payment Contracting

503 227-2027

Charting by Exception is Useful and How Counselors and Psychotherapists Think

A Health Contracts Position Paper

Charting by exception (CBE) in psychotherapy practice is a documentation strategy where only significant deviations from the norm or expected treatment outcomes are recorded. This is very useful and practical in practices where there is only one provider. This method is easier in private practice psychotherapy compared to medical fields like nursing, due to the complex and nuanced nature of multidisciplinary clinic, residential and inpatient treatment. However, when implemented, it focuses on highlighting unusual or significant events during therapy sessions rather than detailing every aspect of the session. CBE does not require documentation of personal, private and sensitive information in every session. Here's how CBE could be conceptualized within a psychotherapy context:

Key Features of Charting by Exception in Psychotherapy

Focus on Significant Deviations: In psychotherapy, significant deviations might include unexpected reactions to a therapeutic intervention, marked changes in a client’s emotional or psychological status, crises, or any incidents requiring immediate attention or alteration in the treatment plan.

Baseline Standards: CBE in psychotherapy requires a clear definition of what constitutes 'normal' progress or typical sessions based on treatment plans and therapeutic goals. These baselines must be established and agreed upon at the outset of therapy.

Use of Clinical Judgment: Psychotherapists must rely heavily on their clinical judgment to determine what qualifies as an exception worth noting. This requires a deep understanding of each client's psychological profile, therapy goals, and the expected course of treatment.

Advantages of Charting by Exception in Psychotherapy

Efficiency in Documentation: By reducing the need to document routine details of each session, therapists can save time and reduce the administrative burden. This allows more time for client interaction and other professional duties.

Enhanced Focus on Critical Issues: CBE helps therapists to concentrate documentation efforts on critical therapeutic issues or unexpected changes, which may facilitate quicker responses and adjustments in treatment strategies.

Challenges and Considerations 

Subjectivity in Determining Exceptions: Unlike medical settings where many parameters are objectively measured, psychotherapy often involves subjective interpretation of behaviors and emotions, which can make it challenging to define and agree upon what constitutes an exception.

Risk of Inadequate Documentation: Important nuances and gradual changes in a client's presentation or therapy dynamics might be under-documented if they do not meet the threshold of an exception, potentially leading to gaps in understanding the client’s therapeutic process over time.

Legal and Ethical Implications: In psychotherapy, thorough documentation is often crucial for ethical reasons and legal protection. Sparse notes could be problematic in cases where legal issues arise, or where there is a need to justify the treatment provided to third-party payers or during clinical supervision and consultation.

Training and Standardization: Implementing CBE in psychotherapy requires significant training to ensure all therapists understand how to apply the principles uniformly. Consistency in what is considered an exception needs to be maintained to ensure comprehensive care.


While charting by exception can streamline documentation in psychotherapy, its application must be carefully considered given the subjective and nuanced nature of mental health treatment. It is crucial that any implementation of CBE in psychotherapy be accompanied by stringent guidelines and training to ensure that critical information is not omitted and that client care remains thorough and ethically sound. For many psychotherapy practices, a hybrid model that combines comprehensive documentation with exception-based notes for specific situations may be more appropriate to capture the complexity of therapeutic encounters.

Key words: Supervisor education, Ethics, COVID Office Air Treatment, Mental Health, Psychotherapy, Counseling, Patient Reported Outcome Measures,